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Started ProductionAugust 2019
Duration2 months
RolesWeb Developer, UI/UX Designer
Detailed Info
I have always enjoyed browsing xkcd. I am not sure how it happened exactly, but I very much felt like making a parody site and when I found out the domain (since moved to was available, it didn't take me long before I wasted invested my time on this silly project.

Mind you, it was certainly fun to develop (most of the time). I made the entire site spread over the course of two months, having really only worked on it at the start and end of those two months.

My drawing skills are by no means great, but I do know how to make a site half decent looking. The site itself has a compelling experimental design, and the content will not be any different. I expect to post random projects, drawings, and silly comics. I do wonder how this project will age...
Why lilxd?
The name lilxd has a lot in common with xkcd! Well, it both being short and containing an x and a d that is... The true nature of the name is very much in reference to the common XD internet expression. Many people consider it the most annoying expression to surface on the internet (till date). In my effort to poke fun of the usage of this expression, I shy away from uppercasing any character and keep it in full lowercase. Making it a little, subtle, xd. A lil' xd if you will. A lilxd.
About me
My name is I'm Tristan and I'm from the Netherlands. My early hobby managing gaming servers and communities sparked my passion for creating games, sites, and other types of digital content. I then went on to earn a BSc in Creative Media and Game Technologies at Breda University. I have been working at Spectral as a front-end developer since 2019.
© Design and creation by myself. Special thanks to Merlijn van der Kamp.